本聲明是由山河亞太有限公司(「Good Mask」)根據香港特別行政區法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》而作出,於向用戶收集個人資料(「個人資料」)時或之前通知用戶若干事項。 Good Mask致力保護用戶的個人資料。所收集及使用的個人資料只限用於Good Mask的服務所需及向用戶提供最高服務質素的範圍內。 Good Mask可使用個人資料於下列用途:
1. 用戶賬戶及記錄的申請、成立、運作及行政管理。
2. 處理意見、查詢及投訴。
3. 處理訂購、賬單、付款及送貨。
Good Mask亦可能基於以下情況透露個人資料:法律所需,法庭命令,政府或執法機構所需或懇切相信因保障Good Mask或其他人仕的權利或資產而有必要或被建議透露個人資料。
個人資料的提供完全是自願性質。然而,如用戶選擇不向Good Mask提供個人資料,則Good Mask可能無法為用戶提供有關的資訊或服務,或處理用戶的要求。
Good Mask會徵求用戶的同意使用個人資料作上述用途。請用戶於提供個人資料前,表示用戶同意或反對Good Mask如此使用個人資料作上述用途。如果用戶對Good Mask如何保護用戶的個人資料或個人資料收集聲明有疑問,請於星期一至星期五在上午10:00至下午5:00期間致電Good Mask的客服專線(852)6103 2237。
Personal Information Collection Statement
This Statement is made by Shan Ho Asia Pacific Limited (“Good Mask”) in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) of the Laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to notify User of certain matter on or before collecting personal data (the “Information”) from User. Good Mask is committed to protecting User’s Information. Good Mask limits the collection and use of the Information to the specific information Good Mask needs to administer Good Mask’s Service and provide highest quality services to User.
Good Mask may use the Information for the following purposes:
1. For application, creation, operation and administration of accounts and records for User. 2. To handle comments, enquiries and complaints. 3. To process orderings, billings, payments and deliveries. 4. For identification and verification purposes.
Good Mask may disclose the Information when required by law or court order, or as requested by any government or law enforcement authorities, or in good faith that disclosure is necessary or advisable to protect the rights or properties of Good Mask or other people.
The provision of the Information is voluntary. However, if User elects not to provide the Information to Good Mask, Good Mask may not be able to supply User with the relevant information or services or to process User’s request.
Consent will be sought from User for such use of the Information for the purposes as described above. Please indicate User’s agreement or objection to such use of the Information as described above before providing the Information to Good Mask.
If User has any questions regarding how Good Mask protects User’s Information or this Personal Information Collection Statement, please feel free to contact Good Mask’s service hotline at (852) Good Mask from 10:00 to 17:00, from Monday to Friday.